When visited:
22nd May 2005, 11am (Trinity Sunday)
Berlin Road, Edgeley. Just across the reservoirs from the back of Alexandra Park.
Type of Service:
Communion (twice a month at 11am)
Not much beforehand (though a bit). The Peace was done right at the end of the service, just before tea and coffee. This worked really well. I got chatting to the guy next to me, and found that I'd been to school with his daughter.
First Impressions:
Building is essentially a warehouse, but done up as a C of E church. There were 50 or so people there, with a good spread of ages, though no teens. Sunday school went out part way through, they came back for communion. There's evidently quite a bit going on beyond Sundays - there are homegroups, a young adults' group, etc. Seems to be straight Anglican with good efforts to be accessible in terms of music, structure of the service, etc.
Keyboard and small band or organ (varied from song to song). Kids song near the start, otherwise singable modern / good traditional.
Preaching on the Trinity, and focusing on the need to know God from all the Scriptures. I agreed with everything he said, but maybe a clearer focus and more application would have been helpful. Difficult to know exactly what it's like usually, whether expository or waffly.
not that I can find.
Seemingly fairly healthy church. I could probably be comfortable here.
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