When visited:
11th September, 2005, 11:30am
on the Manchester edge of Platt Fields park, just near the Curry Mile
Type of Service:
Morning service. There was another one at 9:15, which had lots of kids' activities, so this was probably aimed more at people without young children. Sheet given out with songs used at the various services that day and with responsive confession, collect, etc.
First Impressions:
It's got a reputation as the major evangelical Anglican church for students in Manchester. Church building probably seated about 350; there were around 200 there, mostly young adults but ranging from 18-70 or so. Pretty good, since it wasn't quite university termtime yet. Kids would probably have been to the 9:15. Powerpoint used extensively - for hymn words, before the service introducing church leaders and the vision of the church as well as for the sermon.
Band with singers. Visible but not conspicuous.
Quite friendly. There was a slot near the beginning of the service to greet people near us and tell them something we were thankful to God for. We continued the conversation afterwards and I also had a good chat with various clergy.
Very good; the curate speaking on the parable of the talents (Matt 25:14-30). Clear, from the passage and challenging.
Good - think I could feel at home here quite quickly.
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