Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Parable of the Wasp

I live in a room in a fairly old house, with several large trees nearby. I've got two quite big windows, and they aren't double-glazed or anything. This means that I get quite a few wasps in here in the summer, and Wasp Season seems to have just started a few days ago.

I was woken up at about 5:30 this morning by a wasp which had somehow found its way into my room, and couldn't get out. It was continually buzzing and hitting itself against the window, rather like the persistent widow. And it was a great reminder to me of several things:

  • as with the persistent widow, the importance of persistence in prayer. Not that God is like some curmugeonly old judge who can't be bothered getting out of bed (though I am) - God is far more gracious and far less sleepy than either me or the judge.
  • how animals react to perceived needs. And yet do I / we seek after God like a wasp seeks after getting outside when everything is dark inside, when we know that we need him far more than a wasp needs light?
  • the importance of taking opportunities when they come...

I couldn't sleep. So I got up, and opened the window for the wasp. The wasp, being stupid, did not go through the open window but continued pushing against the glass. So after a minute or so of this, I killed it. Having asked for and sought a way out of our problems, when we get one, we should take it, or our problems may just get a whole lot worse.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


How come hitting someone is a criminal offence, but breaking a covenant obligation to your spouse isn't, even though the latter does far more damage and causes far more pain?

Unneccessary Modernisation

Over the last few weeks, I've sung both the old and new version of "Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus". And I can't see any reason whatsoever why it was modernised (while keeping the traditional language), except to make one of the more distinctivey-tuned (but still very singable) hymns sound the same as 90% of the contemporary songs. Which is surely a bad thing - some variety is good.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Marginalisation of the Elderly

This video just seems typical of the way society treats the elderly. It's meant to be funny because it is so close to the truth. When the government gave free TV licenses to all the over-65s, I think that said a lot. They want old people to die slowly in front of the brain-draining machine, without troubling anyone, interacting with other people, etc.

Contrast that with the Biblical view where the elderly are valued for their wisdom and experience, and where grey hairs (I've got a few) are valued for that rather than covered up by dying it and where people who don't look after their elderly relatives "have denied the faith and are worse than unbelievers".

Mind you, society is increasingly treating the young appallingly as well - stopping them from all the normal things they could be doing and then blaming them for entertaining themselves in the only way that society seems to present as a viable option (lots of alcohol).

Monday, April 21, 2008

Augustine on Miracles and Science

When such a thing happens, it appears to us as an event contrary to nature. But with God, it is not so; for him 'nature' is what he does.

Augustine of Hippo, Literal Commentary on Genesis

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Jonathan Aitken - John Newton

They say one of the tips for how to do successful revision in an arts subject is to read lots of things you haven't read before... I don't think this counts, as it doesn't really touch directly on any of the topics I'm being examined on. But then again, I don't need an excuse to read good spiritual biographies like this one.

John Newton had a somewhat unusual life story, including privileged childhood, being a slave of black slave traders in Africa, running his own slave ship, a long time as minister of a church, political campaigner, key figure in English Christian history, and important figure in English social history, writer of the most famous hymn of all time - Amazing Grace.

Aitken's biography reads a little oddly for the genre of Christian biography, quite possibly because he knows a fair proportion of the British readership could well come from non-Christians interested in historical biography written by a former government minister. And actually, this might well be a good present for people like that...

For me, as a Christian, it helped to draw important connections in my head between great Christians of the 1700s like George Whitfield with great Christians of the 1800s like Charles Simeon and William Wilberforce, all of whom were friends with Newton at different stages of his life.

As a Christian biography, it isn't as mind-blowingly challenging as Steer on Hudson Taylor or Elisabeth on Jim Eliot. But it also manages to cut it as a good historical biography for non-Christians, which neither of those others really do. It can be read with significant profit by just about anyone. Recommended.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Is it Wrong to Steal a Bible?

Or, put more clearly, if someone who is used only to a life of crime becomes interested in Jesus and steals a Bible so they can find out more about him, is that wrong? I remember hearing someone speak who did just that - it may have been Tal Brooke, but I'm not sure, so I'll call the person Jimmy. Once they became a Christian, they later returned the Bible.

Argument that it is wrong

The Bible quite clearly says "Do not steal". It's in the 10 Commandments, Jesus repeated it, Paul repeated it. Stealing is wrong.


Romans 2 is clear that the law applies only to those who know it, and those who don't are judged by what is seen of God's Law in their own consciences. Jimmy may honestly not have known that God didn't want him to steal the Bible. And yes, that probably means that Jimmy is guilty of stealing an awful lot of things previously, but in this case it's not actually his fault.

Furthermore, Paul says that "everything that does not come from faith is sin" (Rom 14:23). If we take that as a definition of sin, which it works well as, the stealing the Bible could actually be from a nascent faith and hence be the best thing Jimmy has yet done in his life.

Funny Link

The discussion was spawned by mention of this magnificent song, which was of course released for free download...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

John Wheeler

John Wheeler has died. To my mind, he was the last of the really great physicists. Whether there will be any more is an interesting question.

Christopher Ash - Out of the Storm

It's pretty rare I read a devotional commentary-type book that's this good. It's on the book of Job, and I heard a good sermon series spinning off from it last year. What I didn't realise was that the book was much, much better. Chris Ash used to be one of the ministers at a church I went to, and he was always very good pastorally and a pretty good preacher too. In this book, he does stunningly well at both. (And he's the director of the Cornhill Training Course, and these aren't three point sermons delivered in a didactic and unemotional style). And in the unlikely event that Mr Ash is reading this, any good is because God is choosing to work through him, and the honour and glory go to God, not to Chris Ash.

Here's a quote that I read this morning:

That is the conversation of Job 1-2. What is the only sure test by which the world will know who are real worshippers of the true God and who are just pretending? Answer: loss and suffering. The only sure test is to strip from worshippers something of value, and then we shall see if they really worship the living God and bow down to him simply because he is God. Only when worship comes at a cost may we tell if it is true. Suffering is the fire that refines and reveals the heart of worship.

And the list of commentaries I recommend, including devotional sermon-type commentaries is here.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ezra's Attitude to His Job

In Ezra 7, there's an interesting incident. Ezra the scribe is sent from Babylonia to the small and struggling community in Jerusalem. Ezra is an expert in the Law of Moses. His official remit is to offer lots of sacrifices and (real reason) to teach the Law and appoint judges, to impose the rule of law, both God's Law and the laws of the Persian empire. For this service, he's allowed to take along lots of gold and stuff.

And this is Ezra's response to his commission:

Blessed be the LORD, the God of our fathers, who put such a thing as this into the heart of the king, to beautify the house of the LORD that is in Jerusalem, and who extended to me his steadfast love before the king and his counselors, and before all the king’s mighty officers. I took courage, for the hand of the LORD my God was on me, and I gathered leading men from Israel to go up with me.

Ezra 7:27-28, ESV

Ezra sees his mission primarily as to beautify the house of God. That's interesting. The NIV doesn't get it - it is a bit incongruous after all, and translates it "bring honour to". But Ezra sees his mission, including the teaching and in Ezra 10 the calling the people to repentance, as beautifying the house of God. Now that's an interesting thought.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sorry for the Lack of Posts

Once again, apologies for the lack of posts. I've got finals looming (probably at the end of May - for some bizarre reason they haven't published the timetable yet)...

And yes, I know, excuses, excuses.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Collins - Science and Religion

One of the great tragedies of our time is this impression that has been created that science and religion have to be at war ... I don’t see that as necessary at all and I think it is deeply disappointing that the shrill voices that occupy the extremes of this spectrum have dominated the stage for the past 20 years.

Francis Collins, Director of the Human Genome Project

from here

Sermon on Matthew 6:19-7:6 (Part of the Sermon on the Mount)

These are rough notes on what I said when speaking on Matthew 6:19-7:6 recently. The talk wasn't recorded, and I wasn't speaking from a script.

If you could have anything you wanted, what would it be? A large house? All the money you wanted? A gorgeous boyfriend or girlfriend? A fast and very expensive car? Instead of all that, Jesus says that we should seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness.

Why should we seek first the Kingdom of God?

Three reasons for this which we see in the passage are as follows:

In 6:19-21, it is clear that everything else passes away, but there is real treasure that lasts in the kingdom. Whatever else we seek after will not last, so it is far more worthwhile to seek God's kingdom and righteousness.

In 6:22-23, we learn that if we seek God's kingdom, we can really see, but otherwise we are in darkness. The picture is that of the body as a room, with the eyes as the only window. If we look at something dark, we are filled with darkness. But if we set our eyes on the kingdom, we are filled with light.

In 6:24, we learn that we are slaves to whatever we seek. People who run after money are slaves to that money. People who run after relationships are slaves to those relationships. People who run after God are slaves to him. So who would you rather be slaves to - some inanimate, pointless and transitory principle, or the loving Father God?

What does it mean to seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness?

In Matthew, the Kingdom of God is clearly both now and not-yet. It starts in the Old Testament, is brought in in a new and powerful way by Jesus, but still isn't fully here yet - it gets finally and fully brought in by Jesus' return.

So what it means to seek the now and not-yet kingdom of God is that now we should obey Jesus as our top priority. We should seek for him to be the person who is ruling in our lives now. We should seek for more people to come to see and acknowledge him as their king.

But we should also seek the future kingdom of God. We should be setting our sights primarily on heaven rather than on the here and now. We should be aiming for heaven and for the treasure that is there.

What stops us seeking first the kingdom of God?

In 6:19-24, it is treasures on Earth. v21 tells us that where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. It is that way round - our heart follows our treasure. It isn't saying that we shouldn't have money or relationships or whatever - they can be great gifts of God. But it is saying that they shouldn't be our treasure, because where our treasure is, there our heart follows.

In 6:25-34, it is worry about the future. If we look at nature, we see that God is totally reliable - that's what science is about. And we know that he is our Father - he cares for us far more than he does for nature. We should look at the birds and the flowers and see God's providence there far more than we should look at adverts or magazines, which are all about making us feel uncomfortable and wanting more.

In 7:1-6, it is judging. Seeking the kingdom of God is founded on poverty of Spirit - on recognising that we are spiritually bankrupt. Jesus says that we will be judged according to our attitude to others - if we are mean-spirited and nitpicking with others, when we are judged it will be in a mean-spirited and nitpicking way. But we should be wise in this v6. We shouldn't be vulnerable to those who will take advantage of us.


There will come a day when all of this world around us will have passed away, when our houses will have crumbled into dust, our cars rusted, our friends and relations died. There will come a day when we can see God fully, when it will be absolutely clear that God has always been totally trustworthy, and that his grace is far greater than ours. On that day, will we feel that we have wasted our lives?

Monday, April 07, 2008


Here's a great photo from my trip to the Lakes. I've also been spending time with my girlfriend and helping at a family wedding. More posts soon!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Sermon on Jephthah - Judges 10-12

I foolishly left my MP3 recorder at home when I went on tour this Easter. So here's a near-transcript of my sermon on Judges 10-12.

When you look at other people, are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do you think that we're basically good, but maybe we sin sometimes or basically bad, but occasionally we get some stuff right?

Do you think that people are fundamentally beautiful or ugly? How about yourself?

Well, whatever you think, this passage has something to say to us tonight. We're in Judges 10-12, looking at the story of Jephthah, and I've got two main headings. The first one is that God's people keep abandoning God. God's people keep abandoning God.

I don't know if you've ever read George Orwell's book Animal Farm. In the book, there's a load of farm animals who are being oppressed by the farmer, so, led by the pigs, they have a revolution and get rid of the farmer. But as time goes on, the pigs who are leading the revolution get more and more like the humans they were meant to be replacing.

It's kind of the same thing happening in Judges. At the start of the book, Israel has come into the Promised Land. Before they got there, the land was full of Canaanites, who did really evil things like sacrificing their children to their gods. So God sent the Israelites in, Israel conquered most of the land, and they lived according to God's law. But as time goes on, they get more and more like the Canaanites they were meant to be replacing.

And we see that in Judges through a series of cycles. There's a 5 part pattern that keeps on repeating, which you can remember because it goes ABCDE.

A is for Apostasy – Israel keep going off and ignoring God and worshipping other gods.

B is for Baddies – some baddies come along and attack Israel and win.

C is for crying – God's people cry out to God for help. And God raises up a deliverer, that's D. And the deliverer beats the enemies, and then God's people rest – that's E for Ease.

And this pattern keeps on repeating itself through the book of Judges. Every time, Israel avoid God. Every time, they get invaded by some group of baddies. Every time, they cry out for help Every time, God raises up a deliverer, and then the people are ok, until the deliverer dies.

But now we're into the second half of Judges, which started either when Gideon went bad or with Abimelech and the pattern starts breaking down.

In chapter 10, which we didn't have read, we see that the people abandon God and go after even more gods than before, so they get two lots of baddies instead of one. And they cry out to God, but God sees that they aren't being sincere because they always keep on ignoring him after he saves them, so God doesn't save them. He doesn't raise up a deliverer like he has all the times before. The people go off and find one themselves, and there isn't going to be any mention of rest.

But even when the people seem to turn back to God, they don't worship God rightly, they worship him just the same as they'd worship one of their idols, and that's the key point in this passage. When God's people worship him, they worship him just like the Canaanites worshipped their gods.

We see a great example of that in 11v11. “So Jephthah went with the elders of Gilead, and the people made him head and commander over them. And he repeated all his words before the LORD at Mizpah.”

Now, God hadn't made Jephthah leader, like he did with the other judges. The people decided to make him leader, and they didn't ask God about it. But then they decide to go and have a ceremony in the sight of God, just to kind of rubber stamp their decision. But they don't do it where the ark is, or where the tabernacle is, or any of that. They ratify this decision that they've already made at Mizpah of Gilead, where they were already. It's where it's convenient for them to be, not where God has said he will be.

They try bargaining with God. Jephthah is a prime example of this. He says in v30 “If you give the Ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the LORD's, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.” Jephthah is trying to do a deal with God, just like the Canaanites had done with their gods. But as we're going to see later, God isn't like that. We can't just worship him the way everyone else worships their gods. But the extreme example of this is when Jephthah sacrifices his own daughter. We hear about that, and we think it is shocking and horrible, and we're right. But we only think that because we're in a culture which has been Christian for so long, and because our views about what is right and wrong and horrible have been shaped by the Bible. In Israel, it was wrong to kill people, but in the Canaanite culture, people sometimes sacrificed their children to their gods. In fact, it was partly because the Canaanites sacrificed their children that God had driven them out of their land and given it to Israel.

Here's Deuteronomy 12:31 “You must not worship the LORD your God in their way, because in worshipping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the LORD hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods.”

But that's exactly what Jephthah is doing. Yes, it's horrible and it is wrong, but the point here is that it's what the Canaanites did. Israel are worshipping God like the Canaanites worshipped their gods.

And we still do it. I don't mean child sacrifice, though maybe we do that too – I'll talk more about it later. I mean we make the same basic mistake as Jephthah did. We try to worship God the way that the people around us worship their gods. And often that's in ways our society finds more acceptable than child sacrifice, but which are still unacceptable to God.

There's probably loads of them – I want to focus on two, I guess because they're the ones I'm most aware that I do.

First, We ignore God's holiness and pretend that we're ok. We ignore God's holiness and pretend we're ok. One of the features of the way people today worship their gods is that their gods help them feel good about themselves. Do you know what the reaction in the Bible always is to someone getting a vision of God's holiness? Isaiah said “Woe is me, I am ruined.” Ezekiel fell on his face. John fell on his face, as though dead. And we'd probably offer to help them up and get them a cup of tea because they didn't seem to feel too well.

Where is that combination of longing to look on God because he is so beautiful and yet terror of looking on God because we know we are so sinful, and the light of his presence will show up all our imperfections? When was the last time that an awareness of God's holiness drove us to cry over our sin? Was it today?

Have you noticed how the confessions we use get blander? We don't tend to say “the memory of them grieves us” any more - we can say we are sorry for our sins, but we don't like saying we feel sorry, because at the end of the day we don't feel sorry, because a lot of the time we completely ignore God's holiness and pretend that we're ok.

Lets make this very concrete. Imagine a friend of yours comes to you, and they've done something wrong and are really upset about it. What's your first reaction? A lot of the time, I think my first reaction is to want to come up with an excuse for what they did, and that's because actually I pretend I'm ok and I ignore God's holiness. We forget that we should worship God acceptably, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.

But we also ignore God's demand for holiness and stay respectable. The way the world worships its gods is to give them a bit of their life, but not the whole thing. If someone gives absolutely everything to chase after money, we say they'd sell their own grandmother. If someone lets their support for Man Utd affect their love for their kids, we'd really worry about them. The world has a way of partitioning up life and only letting gods have bits of it. But God claims our whole lives. He doesn't necessarily want us to be respectable; he wants us to be following him, even to the point where people think we're fanatics.

Question. When did you last put your middle-class respectability on the line because you were following Jesus? When did you last take the kind of risks that the world just won't take because you were trusting God? When was last time you were passionate about God to the point where other people thought you were being stupid, but you carried on anyway?

We all do it, I think. We all try to keep back bits of our lives from God, we all have those relationships that we don't want to give to him. We don't want to give him our relationship with our difficult parents, with our husband or wife or with our colleagues at work. We want to set up a partition and not let our relationship with God affect our professional life, or our money, or our sex life, or whatever. And when we do that, we're not serving God the way he wants to be served. We all know that really. We're serving him the way the world around us worships its gods, just like Jephthah did when he sacrificed his daughter.

You see, I don't think we're that different from Jephthah after all. The culture surrounding us is different, but at the end of the day, we all try to worship God the way the world around us worships its gods rather than the way God wants to be worshipped.

And while we're thinking about how God's people abandon God, it's worth spending a minute thinking about Jephthah himself, because in Jephthah, Israel got the leader they deserved.

If you'll excuse the language, I think the best word for Jephthah is “bastard”, in more senses than one. He's born to a prostitute, and we're just told his father was “Gilead” - the area where he lived. Gilead wasn't quite in the Promised Land anyway, and Jephthah doesn't even get an inheritance there. He isn't really part of God's covenant people, and because his daughter gets killed, he doesn't have any descendants to be part of God's covenant people either. Jephthah isn't in any of those genealogies that the Jews loved so much. He isn't anyone's father, he isn't anyone's son.

And Jephthah only really seems to want one thing – power. He doesn't want to rescue his own people, until they offer him the chance to be their ruler if he does. And as soon as they make him ruler, he starts acting just like a king. 11:12 literally says “What do you have to do with me, that you have come into me to fight in my land.” That's the way kings talk. Jephthah thinks he owns everything.

Likewise, he is willing to give anything to win the battle, because it means he will get power. He even tries making this bargain with God in 11:30 – he offers God whatever comes out of his house if God will help him win the battle. We say some people would sell their own grandmother – Jephthah literally would and did give up his own daughter if it meant he could get power.

And when his daughter does come out, who does he blame?

v35 “You have made me miserable and wretched”. He makes the offer, then he blames his daughter for her having to be sacrificed.

Incidentally, people always ask what Jephthah should have done once he found he'd promised to sacrifice his daughter. There are two ways out he could have taken. The first is just not to sacrifice her. Yes, God might well curse him for not keeping his promise, but it's him that gets cursed and his daughter survives. The other way out is in Leviticus 27, which specifically says that if you vow to dedicate someone to God, you're allowed to buy them back for a substantial amount of silver. Does Jephthah know that law? We don't know, but he should have done.

So Jephthah could have suffered in the place of his daughter, but he doesn't do that. He could have paid money to get her out of it, but he doesn't do that either. What does he do? He sacrifices his own daughter, and blames her for it. What sort of man does that?

And he doesn't care about God's people either. In chapter 12, we see him getting into an argument with Ephraim. Gilead was just outside the promised land, on the wrong side of the Jordan, but was still inhabited by Israelites. Ephraim was just across the river, in the promised land. They have several arguments through Joshua and Judges. In Joshua 22, there's nearly a war between them, but they talk about it and settle all their problems. Jephthah can't be bothered doing that. He just kills them. 42000 of God's chosen people. Dead. Jephthah is a daughter-killing son of a prostitute who doesn't object to genocide against God's own people.

So far, this passage seems pretty bleak. God's people keep on abandoning God. But there are three big surprises I've not talked about yet, and they all come under the heading God never abandons his people. God never abandons his people.

First surprise – God uses Jephthah to rescue his people. You know what? If I was God, I'd have let Jephthah lose. But in 11:29, God's Spirit comes on him and 11:32-33, God uses Jephthah to rescue his people. So never think that you are too foolish or too weak or too sinful for God to use you. God used Jephthah; he can and will use you, and he uses me, even though I compromise so much with the world. That doesn't mean that it's ok to sin – what Jephthah did was wrong and led to lots of suffering, but it means that God can and does work despite our sin.

Second surprise – Jephthah gets commended for his faith in Hebrews 11. However much of a mess he makes, however selfish and wrong he is, Jephthah trusted God's promises 11:23, 27, and he is one of the great crowd of witnesses. So child-killing power-hungry son of a prostitute that he is, Jephthah gets saved by God's grace because he trusts God. So you know what? No matter who you are, no matter what you've done, God can and will save you if you trust him. And no matter what other people have done, God can save them too. There may well be people here who have had abortions and who feel guilty about it. But you know what? If you trust Jesus, God will forgive you, God will save you, God can make you into a hero or heroine of the faith, just like he did to Jephthah. Whatever we have done, we're never too bad for God. Jephthah was responsible for the deaths of 42000 people, and he is a hero of the faith. So however bad we are, God can make us into heroes and heroines of the faith too.

Does that offend you? If it does, maybe you don't understand God's grace. Maybe you don't understand what it means for you to be sinful, what it means for you to be like Jephthah, to be someone who compromises so much with the world around you that a lot of the time it doesn't even look like you're serving God any more. Maybe we need to understand what it means that “Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.” It means that Abraham, that great hero of the faith, wasn't righteous. But he trusted God, so God saw him as wonderful and righteous. Jephthah really wasn't righteous. But he trusted God, so God counts him as righteous too. Even though he did so much stuff wrong, even afterwards, Jephthah was willing to bet his life on trusting God's promises, so we see him as a hero of the faith. And the same is true for us. If we trust God, he will see us as righteous. He will look at us, no matter what we've done, and say that we are beautiful and good, because we trusted him.

Final surprise. God uses Jephthah to point to God's greater salvation. Jephthah was illegitimate. He was homeless, and followed by a group of outsiders. He seized power, and when it came to it, he killed his own daughter to get power and refused to die in her place.

Jesus was illegitimate too. He also was homeless, he also was followed by a group of outsiders. But Jesus gave up his power, and when it came to it, he was the Son who gave himself up to death, who died in the place of rotten sinners like Jephthah and you and me, so that we could have life.

So what are we going to do? Are we going to carry on compromising with the world in the way that we follow our Jesus? Are we going to keep clinging on to our own sense of self worth? Or are we going to see that we, like Jephthah, deserve God's anger, and deserve to be condemned because of the way we fail to follow him, but find that because we trust Jesus, God graciously gives us life and forgiveness and makes us into heroes and heroines of the faith?

Donne - Death, Be Not Proud

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
For those, whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow
Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.

From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure, then from thee much more, must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.

Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy, or charms, can make us sleep as well,
And better than thy stroke. Why swell'st thou then?

One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And Death shall be no more: Death, thou shalt die.

John Donne (1573-1631), Divine Poems: Holy Sonnets, no. 17

hat tip to CQOTD.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


I do like Google's April Fools' jokes.
Their one today - Virgle - is great.