
Friday, November 04, 2005

Thoughts on Churches

I decided it would be useful and interesting to travel around local churches and see what they are like. I'm putting some of my thoughts and impressions online in case anyone finds that useful. Please note that these are only impressions based on one or two services, and might well tell you more about me than about the church. For what it's worth, historically I'm an evangelical with a strong emphasis on Bible teaching and think that singing should be passionate, but am not especially bothered about muscial styles or formality of liturgy. I'm a regular member of St Mary's, Cheadle, which isn't perfect either.

If you disagree with anything I write, or indeed with the idea of me writing this at all, do feel free to let me know via the comments section or via e-mail. An e-mail address that works is where "blogname" is the name of this blog.

I'll group the churches by Church of England administrative boundaries - seems as good a way as any!

Oh, and here's a link to a cartoon to do with what I think about churches without websites.

Cheadle Deanery
Stockport Deanery
Manchester Diocese


  1. If you wanted, you'd be welcome to visit Stockport Grace Baptist Church. We seem to fall within your local area- we meet at the St. John's ambulance hut, just next to the big Morrison's supermarket on Edgeley Road.
    We do have a website, and it can be found at

  2. Thanks - it's on my (vague, mental) list of places to visit.

    How long are the services usually?

  3. I'd be interested if you were ever to get round to sampling any of the churches in Bramhall and reporting on them. I used to be a member of Bramhall Baptist Church, and have occasionally been to services at Fords Lane Evangelical Church and Bramhall Methodist Church.
