
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Steve Tilley on New Wine

Nice to know there are people out there who agree with me about New Wine. I've never been to the festival, but know a lot of people involved.

If you feel safe and secure in your own faith and belief there isn't a lot of harm you can come to at New Wine. You can enjoy the singing worship and pick the bits out of the talks and presentations without having to subscribe to the view that the only, the ONLY, way to respond to God is to go down the front and get ministered to by someone who will pray for you to have more Holy Spirit. I tended to pray quietly for a few moments and then slink off. I do not join the ministry team because I don't think that is what I understand by ministry.

(hat tip to Cartoon Church)


  1. I could of course apply the same sentence to Greenbelt. I've not been to any of the others for too long (okay, I've not been to SH for too long and have never been to any others) to comment, but I think the principle's fairly general that if you go along to a mass gathering of one sort of people (or in GB's case, a mass gathering of squillions of different people) and you accept all you hear, you can come away with some funny ideas.

  2. I've never been to a conservative evangelical church but I know a lot of people who do and they preach that the only ONLY way to hear God is by reading the Bible or listening to men preaching.
