
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

John's Thoroughly Nice Chicken Enchiladas

I do quite a bit of experimental cookery. Sometimes the results are odd or dubious. Sometimes they are quite nice. And sometimes they are better than anything I've had when eating out. Thinking about it, they seem to be at their best when freestyling vaguely close to traditional recipies. This is one of those.

(serves 2)

  • Preheat oven to 200C
  • In a frying pan and while heating, mix about enough oil to fry something gently with the same amount of honey. Add a large pinch of hot chilli powder and a decent sprinkling of garlic powder
  • In that mix, fry about 150g of chicken, chopped into pieces no larger than 2x3cm in their smaller two dimensions, stirring as necessary.
  • When it's nearly fully cooked, add about half a tin of peach slices (without juice)
  • After frying them too for a couple of minutes, add half a tin of chopped tomatoes, a small tin of sweetcorn, a large handful of chopped spinach, a Knorr beef stock cube and a couple of large pinches of mixed herbs.
  • Boil, stirring fairly frequently, until it's nearly the thickness of sauce rather than soup.
  • Use 60% of it, including all the meat, as the fillings for three soft tortillas. Roll and place them in an oven-proof dish.
  • Add the other half of the tin of tomatoes, and peach slices, including all the juice, to the remainder, along with a crumbled digestive biscuit and about 50g of crumbled Cheshire cheese. Heat and mix well, until the sauce is fairly smooth.
  • Pour the sauce over the tortillas, and bake for 20 mins.
  • Eat

1 comment:

  1. this looks interesting.
    we might tryout your recipe.
