
Monday, January 07, 2013

Prayer Request

I know I don't usually post prayer requests on here, but tomorrow I'm due to be doing a radio debate with an atheist called Justin Schieber on the Amalekite Genocide of 1 Samuel 15. Please pray for me.

I'll post some more stuff for discussion up here over the next few days, and a link to the recording of the debate when it's available. For the meantime, here's a link to some of my past stuff on the Amalekites. I've moved on a bit since then though...


  1. How did it go? Well, I trust. Was this for _Unbelievable_?

  2. Pretty much as well as can be expected... Will be broadcast on Saturday.

    Yes, for Unbelievable. Thanks for recommending me to Justin!

  3. Great! I am so pleased. I hope Justin will use you again.
