
Sunday, June 07, 2009

Church Noticeboard

This morning, I wandered past a rural church near here. When I looked at the noticeboard, I thought they'd just left it totally blank. After staring at it for a while, I realised there was a nicely done list of services for the term. It was well word-processed and clearly laid out. The service this morning was apparently an all-age service. But the nicely done term card was behind an elderly piece of plastic which was so old and dirty it was almost completely opaque.

What are the dirty pieces of plastic hindering our well put together witness?


  1. As far as I'm concerned, you're the dirty piece of plastic hindering the Gospel. Go figure. (This is not a flip comment, but a serious response. I mean it.)

  2. Dear Poppy,

    I don't know who you are, but I find this and other comments on this blog both offensive and unnecessary. Of course, as long as Custard is happy for you to keep commenting on here, that's up to him - however as a regular reader who finds Custard's insights useful, thought-provoking and sometimes just amusing, I think comments such as this add nothing and merely make you appear rather petty, which I'm sure you're not. If you have a genuine problem with anything Custard has written on here, I suggest you take it up with him in a more civilised manner. If these sorts of comments are, as I suspect, purely designed to shock and offend, I guarantee they will not work on Custard, regardless of their effect on me! So really it's all a bit of a waste of time. I would ask you therefore to please refrain from making rude and unnecessary comments such as this and instead offer insights that will be useful to the discussions that Custard is attempting to start.

    Thank you very much.


  3. Hi Lydia. Wow. From your web page it looks as though you joined just to tell me off. I'm flattered. You miss the point. I was not trying to be gratuitously offensive, but to make a serious point. I find everything about John Allister, as revealed through this blog (the only way I know about him), to be completely antithetical to Chrisian mission. Now, it would be destructive of him for me to say in detail why this is so, in public, but if you let me have an e mail address I will gladly go through what I think the problem is, point by point.

  4. Thank you for your reply Poppy.

    I didn't join just to 'tell you off' - in fact my blogging literacy is such that it's only in the last couple of weeks that I've worked out how to post comments at all! So I didn't even know I had a webpage - you're a step ahead of me :)

    Although I am saddened to hear of your response to John's blog and admittedly curious as to exactly what about it has upset you so much, I have no desire to hear your point-by-point character assassination of my friend. As I said before, any issues should be taken up with him and not me in the first instance. Thank you, however, for realising that it would be destructive to air your views in public. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

    As an aside, I have to say that I think your opinion of John is very, very wrong and I am saddened that for whatever reason this blog has given you such a false impression of his character. I have no hesitation whatsoever in saying how excited I am that someone who loves God and His word as much as John does is about to be ordained - I hope and pray (and as far as I can, know) that God will use him to further his Kingdom and that many will be blessed through him, and I intend to support him in that.

    I guess that's all I want to say about it really - I have no desire to spoil for a fight. If the best we can do is agree to disagree, perhaps you'll go along with that. Thank you, Lydia
