
Friday, November 14, 2008

Charismatic Experience 3

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

7. Where possible, there should be follow-up after prayer ministry to encourage the working through of decisions made into the wider life of the individual.

8. “False” experience should be discouraged, since we do not want people's faith to rest on something that is not truly of God.

9. “True” experience should not be hyped, as this encourages false experience and also runs the risk of making such experience a badge of spirituality. While there is a slight tension here with my point 3, it is mostly resolved when it is realised that much of the effect of the Holy Spirit on the emotions does not result in strongly visible or audible signs.

10. Preaching should focus on the proclamation of Christ, not the proclamation either of the speaker or of experiences. While the style of the preaching should be appropriate to the content and therefore affective, the persuasiveness should come from the Holy Spirit and from the content of the message, not the style of the preaching. This is superbly exemplified by George Whitfield.

Interestingly enough, were these guidelines to be embraced, a large proportion of the criticisms both by the “conservatives” of the charismatic movement and of the “conservatives” by “charismatics” would vanish.

1 comment:

  1. Great posts, John, but note that his name is `Whitefield'.
