
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Brazil 12 - Random Facts

  1. In Brazil, it is almost impossible to buy gummed envelopes. This includes the kind with the peel-off strip.
  2. The normal title for ministers of Protestant churches in Brazil, including the Anglican ones is "Pastor", short form "Pr". I vastly prefer that to any of the forms used in England. I don't want to be revered, I am not a father, my role as a pastor is not vicarious and it is Jesus who cures people's souls. Maybe I'll try to persuade people to use the Brazillian form...
  3. Most cars in Brazil have tinted windows, which among other things means that the law on seatbelts in the back is almost totally unenforced, to the point where many car manufacturers only install fixed-length seatbelts in the back.
  4. Brazillians tend to think of the beach as the main attraction in any destination. Well, most cities in Brazil were built along the beach, and many of the beaches are amazing. The national sport is, of course, football. One of the biggest Protestant denominations here allegedly bans both visiting the beach and playing football.
  5. It is quite normal to see bikes with huge loudspeakers on the front and back, adding to the noise pollution.
  6. Many of the oldest buildings in this area of Brazil were built originally by the Dutch

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