
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Prince Caspian and the next few weeks

Last night, I saw Prince Caspian at the cinema. I have to say - I think it was a lot better than the first film, and even better than the book of Prince Caspian. They've expanded the story in several ways, most of which are improvements and which bring out the points more clearly or nuances in the characters. For me, the only thing that didn't work was the whole Susan / Caspian subplot.

Having said that briefly, I'm about to go off on placement until late August. I don't know how much I'll be able to post (if at all). So don't worry if nothing much new appears here.


  1. I agree - the film was good, but the Susan/Caspian love thing was stupid, and completely unnecessary. Although it did provide some amusement in the cinema I saw the film in, in much the same way as the relationship between Anakin Skywalker and Amidala (or whatever) in Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones.

  2. Is your placement in Portugal?

  3. Not quite. Right language though...
