
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Eurovision and Ethnic Minorities

I watched Eurovision last night. Two entries were so funny I cried. I'd heard beforehand the theory that voting was determined largely by ethnic miniorities voting for their home countries. Russia won, and their 12 points were from Israel, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Armenia. There could be something in that...

Germany were really really bad - four women who couldn't sing in tune, which became painfully obvious when they tried singing together. And they got their points from Switzerland and Bulgaria.


  1. What were your two tear-inducing entries? For me Spain's was so bad it was a little freaky.

  2. Bosnia and someone fairly soon after them. It might have been Spain, but Germany also were atrociously bad. To the point that I wouldn't expect either to win a school competition...

  3. That French one? Was it cool or crepe? Still not sure.

  4. pridespurge, I can only assume from the tone of your comment that you didn't actually watch it. Nationality is irrelevant when you have something so dreadful as this: or this: If they were British it would be just as cringeworthy.

  5. The Spanish entry went to the trouble of teaching you a new dance that's going to be "hotter than the "macarena"" and the other was a subtle yet humorous disquisition on how marriage very soon turns into knitting and laundry.

    You are so lucky to live in a glorious euro-melting-pot. And are you grateful?

  6. No, I'm wrong - the words for the Bosnian entry are weirder than you could believe. Ah, Dadaism - still not dead.
