
Friday, February 01, 2008



With the exception of emergency services, helicopters should not be allowed to fly over built-up areas, especially at night.

And this post might in some way be linked to the difficulty I had in getting to sleep last night...


  1. nothing to do with not being able to get a girlfriend, then?

  2. Not sure what you're trying to accomplish here except wasting your own time and making yourself look stupid by coming up with implausible insults...

  3. ok, i'll pay you the compliment (which you don't deserve) of taking you seriously. until recently i lived in an area where helicopters flew at night, often hovering overhead for the best part of an hour, and yes, they did keep me awake. but it is an important part of the initiative against gun crime, and burglary, and car theft, and mugging and rape. i am safer because of the helicopters, and so are other people, so the noise from time to time is a small price to pay. your remarks are fatuous and self-important. in this way, they are like all your remarks on theology, films and everything else you blather on about. i wonder how embarrassed you will be in the future when you reflect that you displayed your juvenile ramblings to the world? a mixture of adrian mole and mr pooter. normally, i just tweak your tail a little, but you asked what i'm trying to accomplish, so here's your answer.

  4. You'll also notice I said "with the exception of emergency services".

  5. Oh, and what do you see the purpose of blogs (or indeed of commenting on blogs) as being, if not to display one's fatuous, self-important and insufficiently well-thought-through thoughts to the world?

  6. Custard

    Anonymous - pot calling the kettle black...
