
Thursday, December 06, 2007


One of the things I like least about evangelicalism is the way that so often we don't help other people enough because we're scared of hurting their feelings by criticising them. I'll probably get thought some kind of unfeeling male fascist for this, but never mind.

If someone is in a position of Christian leadership, they should be a mature enough Christian so that their whole self-esteem isn't based on what other people think of their ability to lead. They should therefore be able to take criticism.

When people do criticise me honestly, lovingly and constructively, I find it really helpful for improving what I'm doing. One of the most important (maybe even the only important) skill I learnt in my teacher training was the ability to evaluate and be self-critical. I know I am not good enough at being willing to criticise honestly, lovingly or constructively.

Mark Dever offers five points for how to do criticism well, and they're well worth a read:

  • Directly, not indirectly
  • Seriously, not humorously
  • As if it's important, not casually
  • Privately, not publicly
  • Out of love for them, not to express your feeling or frustration

His corollaries to each of those are also worth mentioning:

  • Don't let people misread you
  • Don't do it to try to make them like you
  • Don't bother correcting unimportant stuff
  • Don't make them worry what others think of them
  • Sincerely encourage them where God is working

And am I secretly happy that this has knocked me saying why I disagree with the 39 Articles further down the page? Maybe.


  1. `Don't let people misread you
    Don't do it to try to make them like you
    Don't bother correcting unimportant stuff
    Don't make them worry what others think of them Sincerely encourage them where God is working'

    I think the order here should be:
    `Don't bother correcting unimportant stuff
    Sincerely encourage them where God is working
    Don't make them worry what others think of them
    Don't let people misread you
    Don't do it to try to make them like you'.

  2. The order was because the secondary points matched up to the primary points.

  3. Read the message again, Custard! Not like you to be so slow or have a humour failure!

  4. True, true, but you missed the first point... :p

  5. `you missed the first point...'

