
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Stoughton - conflict between Christians

'It is amongst the mysteries of Divine Providence, that holy men in this life have to suffer sometimes in a cause which, although by themselves accounted good, is by brethren, equally honest, branded as evil; and that thus there comes to be in ecclesiastical conflicts, so much pain, at once conscientiously inflicted, and conscientiously endured. No calm thinker can fail to discern the anomaly; and no loving heart but must long for that blessed future, when the fruits of such strange discipline will be reaped by souls now divided on earth, but who will then be united in Heaven amidst the purest charity and the humblest joy.'
John Stoughton, 1867

Some things don't change...

(And thanks to Su for the quote)

Sometimes the scenery looks like this (my current desktop background). And when it does, the best thing to do is to keep on walking.

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