
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Site Redesign

I've redone the colour scheme. Let me know if you have strong opinions either way on it.


  1. I can see what you're doing here... I'm thinking pennipotenti oculus! There is a slight glitch in IE7 where the header image doesn't line up with the flowing custard to the right! Good work though.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dan - Gaaah! I wish MS would make a browser that complied with web standards just once!

  4. Thanks Dan for flagging that up. For some reason, IE7 renders the background of a div element in its margins, which I don't think it ought to do (that being part of the difference between margin and padding).

    Should be sorted now.

  5. Wonderful, no glitchiness left! IE gets more compliant all the time but they're not there yet, I believe rendering backgrounds in margins may be intentional though, casting my mind back to long webcasts from the IE team... yes I know very sad! :-)

  6. Am I allowed to say that I don't think the Bird's custard scheme suits you? I hope the CofE inquisition won't swoop down on me now I've said that.

  7. That's a permissible opinion. I'll see how I feel about it in a week or so, and what the comments are, and I'll act accordingly. I've got all my past site design templates saved somewhere, so it should be easy to reverse...

  8. Another vote on the 'not entirely sold on it' front I'm afraid. It's a clever concept, but once you get past the custard/custardy reference, it doesn't have an awful lot to do with your blog.

    I rather liked the green colour scheme, with the mountain view at the top. It was freindly enough and serious enough. It's harder to concentrate on Biblical exigensis when you find yourslf thinking of rhubarb crumble. ;)

  9. I can spell 'friendly'. Really. I was distracted by thinking about rhubarb.

  10. Mmmm, crumble. I could make some of that now, mmmmmmmm.

    On the other hand, I could go to bed and get some more sleep before work :-(
