
Friday, June 15, 2007


I watched a bit of the film The Devil Wears Prada earlier, but I really couldn't get into it. Part of my problem was this: I cannot see the point of fashion. I can see the point of wearing clothes that look clean and/or smart, clothes that show off a figure if there are bits deemed worthy of showing off, clothes of colours that match each other or oneself, and so on.

But I can neither see the point in either the line-drawing that says one set of clothes is unfashionable and another is fashionable, nor understand or sympathise with the stupid herd mentality that seeks to follow what is essentially an arbitrary and pointless line.

What kind of idiot cares if a bag cost £2000 or £200 or £2 if it looks nice and functions well? Except of course that £2 is much better value.

Now, wearing Pravda - that sounds interesting. Newspaper clothes and all. :)


  1. So John, excepting clothes you bought for work, do you own any clothes that you bought new? Charity shops would have been cheaper, you know.

    We all go in for fashion in some way.

  2. Yes, I certainly have clothes I bought new. Charity shops (in my experience) tend to have mostly the sort of clothes elderly women wear and a small selection.

    It's generally therefore easier/cheaper for me to buy clothes at fairly cheap clothes shops, because they have a bigger selection hence are more likely to have durable clothes that fit me.

    I suppose that there's also the sense in which clothes make a statement, whether of gender, wealth, preference for music style, etc.

    Is all high fashion is then making a statement that one has a large disposable income, is happy to spend it on clothes and pays attention to the opinions of fashion designers?

  3. Isn't _The Devil Wears Prada_ agreeing with you about fashion, though?

  4. hey mr A! hahahah i went to see the Devil wears Prada! and it was soooo funny because at the serious moment when the woman is talking about her divorce or something black lines were on the screen and me and caro couldn't stop laughing!! and then when the girl's kissing the guy in Paris in one part caro said 'he's not even French' adn a guy near us started laughing! we went to see the Rocky Horror show today! it was AMAZING!!! and there were certainly some people there not dressed like everyone else! lol yeah, i don't really wear the same clothes as everyone else, but i do kind of have expensive tastes... Fat Face! woo!! oh yeah! had the physics exam the other day !! aaahh! so pleased i already have 20%!! anyways, this message is quite long! bye for now! : P

  5. does that mean you're just gonna wear what you want when you're a priest and not fancy robes?

  6. Daniel - maybe. I just could sympathise with the characters enough to last that long.

    On what I'll wear when I'm ordained - clothes make statements. If the church I'm at wants me to wear robes, I'll probably wear robes. Cheap ones. If they don't, I probably won't.

  7. You're not supposed to sympathize with the characters. It's a shame you didn't make it through to the ending; that lays the satirical purpose of the film open beyond a doubt.

  8. Would you be willing to spend more money on clothes if they were, say, Fair Trade, or is spending the least possible amount on clothes and other such fripperies the best thing for the Christian to do?

    [Not taking the moral high ground here. I'm no follower of fashion and I too tend to buy cheap clothes, but, like any commericial enterprise, my decisions are going to affect others].

  9. If there were Fairtrade clothes that were sufficiently easily available and that fit me and that weren't vastly more expensive than the alternatives, yes, I'd probably get them.

  10. You're not supposed to sympathize with the characters. It's a shame you didn't make it through to the ending; that lays the satirical purpose of the film open beyond a doubt.

    Ah - that's one of my problems with drama. If I don't sympathise at allc with any of the characters, I find it very hard going.
