
Wednesday, February 21, 2007


It's the start of Lent today. Being a good hard-core conservative evangelical, I didn't used to do Lent, but as we've been reminded at college over the last few days, brokenness is good as we remember following Jesus in the way of the cross.

I'm not giving up chocolate - I need it too much (and I got sent a load today). I do aim to wean myself off, but not during termtime - I've tried that before and it's not pretty. I am, however, giving up playing pool and using the time more profitably instead.


  1. I'd much rather give up chocolate than pool. Unless it's good dark chocolate!

    Perhaps you could explain the following?

    Being a good hard-core conservative evangelical, I didn't used to do Lent


  2. I guess the hard-core conservative evangelicals I knew saw Lent as being an invention of the Church rather than Scriptural, and hence best ignored.

    Much conservative evangelicalism still dfined itself in opposition to the Catholicism of the early 1500s (and remember that the Reformation in Zurich started with a sausage party in Lent...). That's starting to change now though...
