
Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Sorry that all these blog posts are short. I'm still on my tour of the country, so don't have much time on the computer to write them!

Here, therefore, is a video of the song "Bob" by Weird Al, which is entirely in palindromes!


  1. Fantastic!
    Have you seen Weird Al's "Too White and Nerdy"? I must be a complete Nerd because I understood most of it :-)

  2. Just watched it again on YouTube...

    You mean some of those references might not be understood by everyone?

    I can do nerdy when I want to. But normally I'm only kind of 20% described by the song...

  3. If you want to know how truly nerdy people can be then check out the Wikipedia entry on "White and Nerdy". Like someone's pointed out the error in Schrodinger's equation ( h not hbar), and someone else pointing out that it's not an error in Gaussian rather than SI units! ( apparently a test to separate out the geeks from the uber-geeks!)
