
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Adrenaline Crash

As I expected, I'm having a major adrenaline crash! They're pretty much reliable enough for me to put into my diary...

The new site design isn't completely finished, but I'll probably let it drift from here as I notice things that need tweaking. I'm still completing the indexing on the right; I haven't yet found a way to shorten the list. If you've got any nice ideas about ways to improve the blog design, let me know.


  1. i don't get lenses...hope they dont come up in january... still trying to get my head around one over sine critical angle and all this n glass to water rubbish...i mean looks good btw..very exciting! :-)

    stupid word verification. how was i supposed to know it was a j..?

  2. I'll e-mail you about lenses....
    If anyone else wants random lens help, post here and I'll put it on my blog.

    I don't really like the word verification - I tend to get u and v mixed up. But otherwise I get loads of random adverts put as comments.
