
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Staying or Going?

One of the interesting issues I've discussed a bit online is the whole issue of how to respond to being in a church when I strongly disagree with other members of it. Of course, Christians holding to "traditional" views of (for example) sexual morality have a much more difficult time of it in ECUSA - the Anglican Church in the US.

Here's an interesting interview with a minister in ECUSA, who is pretty sure that the right thing to do is stay. What I find particularly interesting is his broader theological view than the one or two texts usually trotted out - he thinks in terms of divorce, in terms of what it meant for the Old Testament prophets to be part of an apostate people, etc. Interesting stuff (and thanks to SAA for drawing this to my attention).


  1. Hmm, who are we to judge others?
    I believe church is a spiritual family...Can You imagen your real family?... do You walk around saying how wrongly your family is doing some things?
    I think that church issues should be discussed and prayed about...within a church (the same with a real family)!
    And not by our high or low standarts we will be measured,estimated standing before the LORD!

  2. I think you're probably right - the issue is how best we can love the others in our family, and how we can be helping them and praying for them.
