
Monday, September 04, 2006

Saying Goodbye

Yesterday, I said goodbye to a lot of people at church. I've been going there since I was 11 - long before I became a Christian. Some people there have known me well for ages - including when I was really nasty, etc (though I'm still not perfect, I'm better than I used to be!).

I haven't enjoyed all my time there. There are a lot of things I think they get badly wrong, many of which I've commented on there, some of which I have commented on on here, and some of which I will comment on on here in the future. They aren't by any means perfect, but the last few years there, I've really felt accepted and loved and useful. They're family, and I'm sorry to leave them.

So to everyone at St Mary's, Cheadle, thank you very much. I will endeavour to continue to pray for you and wish you all the best. Oh, and I aim to be back when I'm in the area, but that won't be very often.


  1. I know the website I linked to desperately needs updating. I've written a slightly less outdated version, which still isn't amazing, but is better. It might (or might not) be online soon.

  2. Awwwwww...leaving is such a hard thing!

  3. Why did you go to church if you were not a Christian?

  4. In this case, it was because I was a child, and my parents took me to church. I'm glad they did. (I figured it was less hassle to go along than to argue with them.)

    Another common reason would be because they were interested in finding out more about Jesus or Christianity, or in what made the difference in the lives of Christians, or because they have friends who go and find it a good way to spend time with them. I know plenty of people in those categories, and quite a few at St Mary's, including in the youth group.
