
Monday, September 18, 2006

Moving Progress (Again!)

For the second time in three days, I'm aiming to move house today! (Heavy house, small llama, thus difficult to drag, might take a while)

I'm aiming to do another post late today or tomorrow, but it might not happen. Thanks for your patience.


  1. Lore all
    I'm from Chile, Latin American
    This is 18 of September.. our day. You like me. You are very special and for this moment, I´m dancing

  2. hmmmm, these comments made my day! That was good one! Custardy, looks like You got a secret admirer in Chille (or CHILE?) or it might be lunar eclipse effect!

  3. OK then hj, smart alec. What would you have used to drag a house?

  4. maybe a giant tortoise.... yeeess...

  5. Well, I would have at least used a BIG llama.

    Does your driving licence yet extend to artiodactyls? Surely that requres Pass Plus?

  6. Pass Plus doesn't give any extra qualifications for use of different types of vehicles, so it's fine.

    Pterodactyls of course would require a seperate license, though there's still some argument over whether it would need a full pilot's license or whether a glider's license would do.
