
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Random Things I Have Learnt

Just a few things I've learnt over the last 24 hours:

  • The Post Office (i.e. the shops rather than Royal Mail), is much worse off for being effectively state-run. I went to the nearest main Post Office yesterday, which is notorious for queues. I arrived 10 mins before it opened, so I was only the 13th in the queue. By the time it opened (5 mins late - real shops open earlier than advertised), I was still 13th, but that was near the front.
  • The Llama Song is funny, but gets repetitive after 20 mins or so.
  • Cheap power tools aren't worth the money. Yesterday, I bid farewell to my electric saw thing. It looked like the blade moved a lot, but it was slower and less efficient than using a hand saw. Oh, and two blades broke cutting through a bit of wood.


  1. i like the lama song too mrA !!! have you been on a website called weebles ? - if not go on and watch - magical trevor and badgers!

    but ON NO ACCOUNT watch salad fingers - it is too disturbing

    :) Caro :)

  2. if only i could spell llama...

  3. It could have been a song about Buddhist spiritual leaders...

  4. No! Not Magical Trevor! Don't do it - you'll never get it out of your head! :D

  5. Weebl's stuff is a little immature for my taste, as well as a bit hit-and-miss - I prefer the cow in a tree song, to be found at:
    The song 'I'd give it all...'is a goodie also for those of us of a certain age :)


  6. ALWAYS buy the very best tools you can possibly afford!!
