
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Comment Spam - Bah!

I've been getting quite a bit of comment spam on this blog over the past few days. As a result, I've had to reintroduce the word verification thingy for comments. Annoying, I know, but less annoying than comment spam.

I think the purpose of comment spam is to push Google rankings up. If there are lots of links to a page, Google thinks the page is more popular and hence better.

But what really gets to me is the way that so much comment spam is appallingly written. Did these people not go to school? Well, I guess if they'd gone to a decent school then hopefully they wouldn't be trying to make a living by spamming people. Hopefully...


  1. Could you please clarify what you mean by "decent school"?

  2. It was part self-deprecation, part inside joke about school publicity system things, part social comment on the recent debate over whether schools should teach ethics and part observation that we tend to assume that politer people are nicer, which isn't always true.

    So in short, it wasn't meant entirely seriously.

  3. sorry - for "politer" read "better able to project an air of education". And there's probably no correlation whatsoever between educational background and inherent goodness.

  4. Good job. My school was a complete hole.
