
Friday, July 07, 2006


I praise God for my friends in 24:7.

I'm male and single. At my leaving do at work this week, one of the things I was given was a plaque saying "a cluttered desk is a sign of genius". I'm pretty busy most of the time. So as you can imagine, my house is pretty hideously messy most of the time too. And I'm moving, so need to sell it.

So I praise God for the folks in 24:7 who:

  • offered to help tidy it - I'm too proud to ask for help usually and don't like putting others out just coz they feel obliged to help and I asked
  • gave up their free time to help
  • did such a great job last night - I'm almost scared to use some bits of the house now, in case I mess them up!
  • offered to come back next week to finish it

You guys/gals - thankss sooo much... It's really helpful and also encouraging that God is building a people for himself here.

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