
Friday, April 14, 2006

Camera Throwing

While tidying up my computer, I came across this photo, which I took on a train while practising the skill of camera throwing.


  1. Very arty, Custard! Or was this a comment on the Manchester Passion?! Would be interested to read your views.

  2. Didn't see it I'm afraid.

    I watch very little TV and don't listen to secular pop music much either, so it would mostly have been wasted on me I guess.

    I like Sit Down by James though...

  3. Well, that song was in it, and whathisname from James played the part of Judas. I watched it twice, as I had a lot of ironing to do!

  4. I guess I'm also not the best person to comment on it - it seems to be an attempt at cross-cultural (pun intended) evangelism to a group of which I am not a part.

    Did it get the message across to them? I don't know, but I would be interested to see what non-Christians in Manchester thought of it.

  5. My next-door neighbour, who is not a Christian, really liked _Manchester Passion_. Daniel Hill

  6. I do like this picture a unfortunate probably it`s protected by CUSTARD copyright..and even if I ignore that, quality of this photo is not splendid.
