
Sunday, February 05, 2006

Norbury Parish Church, Hazel Grove

(photo to follow)
When visited:

10:15am, 5th February, 2006


On the A6, just Stockport-side of the Rising Sun junction


lots of people being friendly and handshaking, both before and after. No-one actually spoke to me properly though. There was an opportunity to stay for tea or coffee, but I didn't take it.

First Impressions:

Probably around 150 people there, wide age range, but weighted towards the older end. Single figures of kids came in for a blessing at the end of communion, having been at Sunday school beforehand.

Type of Service:

Modern-language communion from printed service sheet. Led by the youngish curate (of South Asian extraction), wearing surplice & stole. A few bits sung, choir processed in.


Mostly fairly traditional stuff, played on an organ. There was a reasonable choir (robed) and the singing was ok.


A visiting chap from the Leprosy Mission (which is supported by the church) was speaking, seemingly from a different passage to the ones that had been read. Nothing heretical, but no real challenge.




ok, but didn't really grab me

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