
Friday, January 06, 2006

McGrath and Dawkins

I was recently pointed to this link, which gives the transcript and audio of a lecture that Alistair McGrath did about Richard Dawkins' work. Seems pretty interesting, and it's humbling in a way that McGrath is so nice about him...


  1. This link was very useful. On Monday evening, I listened to Alister McGrath's lecture (MP3) instead of watching the Channel 4 programme Root of Evil. The following day at lunch time, my Russian colleague asked me about Richard Dawkins, and I was able to share with him the link to the Cambridge Christians in Science lecture series.

  2. Was told the other day by a reliable source that there was recently a debate between McGrath and Dawkins at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. It was filmed by the BBC as part of their series on Richard Dawkins.

    Apparently, the debate went so badly for Dawkins that he refused to allow the BBC to show it...

    I think now I might well get McGrath's book.

    Very glad to hear about your colleague... :)
