
Friday, November 18, 2005

Scott Adams on Intelligent Design

Scott Adams (author of the Dilbert comic strip) has written an interesting article on the subject of the Intelligent Design / Evolution debate. I think it's especially interesting because it reflects my disillusionment a few years back with a lot of the debate...

Adams' original article.


  1. You didn't explain what it is about the ID debate that you were so disillusioned about. Care to fill out the details? As it happens, I'd already visited the Scott Adams article quite recently.

  2. In brief, the issue is that both sides seem convinced that they are right, doubt the other side's sincerity and completely fail to engage with their arguments.

    If you read evolutionist literature, it virtually never engages properly with the possibility of a changing speed of light or irreducible complexity.

    If you read creationist (creationism being a subset of ID) literature, it virtually never engages with questions like the meaning of the word "yom" in Ge 1:1-2:4, pentadactyl limbs or arguments from DNA sequencing.

    All "in my experience", etc...
